Function for parsing emoji and replacing them with pictures. One type emoji for all devices, without jQuery, pure js.
const text = '😍,🍕,👉,👿 ,💖';
<img class="emoji" alt="😍" src="../apple40/1f60d.png" />,
<img class="emoji" alt="🍕" src="../apple40/1f355.png" />,
<img class="emoji" alt="👉" src="../apple40/1f449.png" />,
<img class="emoji" alt="👿" src="../apple40/1f47f.png" />,
<img class="emoji" alt="💖" src="../apple40/1f496.png" />
You can set specific options, like image path, CSS class and the file name extension:
parseEmoji("I ❤ JS", {
class: 'smile',
alt: false,
path: 'img',
and get the result:
I <img class="smile" alt="" src="img/apple40/2764.png" /> JS
Default params:
class: 'emoji',
alt: true,
path: '..',
Enjoy it!
All info about emoji
Copyright (c) by Rodrigo Polo, in github Licensed under MIT